Thursday, April 30, 2009

Italian Newspapers Online


The AUR Library has made a page that brings together the major Italian-language newspapers so that it is easy to keep up with the news. See the page.

An additional feature we have provided is the possibility of an immediate translation into English of each newspaper, using GoogleTranslate. Naturally, automatic translation is far from perfect, but this can still be useful to help you get the basic information out of a webpage quickly.

Also, when you are looking at the translated page, you can run your cursor over the text and see the original in a pop-up box. If the translation isn't correct, you can fix it, and help improve the machine.

If you look at the GoogleTranslate page, you will see a list of all of the languages they translate out of and into. There is also a button you can place on your toolbar, so that you can translate any page quickly and easily.

You can get to this page through the main page of the AUR Library Catalog looking under the QuickLinks and clicking on Italian Newspapers, or through the Wiki, from our page of Newspaper Feeds.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Spooky Radio Plays

Orson Welles performs a scene from
The Count of Monte Cristo
Before the days of television, people would sit together and listen to the radio, where all sorts of comedies, tragedies, music, and other entertainment took place.

One of the most famous of these radio groups was the Mercury Theatre on the Air, founded by Orson Welles and John Houseman. They had some other great actors with them, performing radio plays as The Count of Monte Cristo, Dracula, A Christmas Carol, and their most famous, War of the Worlds.

Well, someone has been kind enough to place all of these radio plays on the web, and we can all enjoy them for free, especially now that the AUR Library has cataloged them.

So, if you have a free evening, turn off the lights at home and listen to Dracula. You might find out they did a pretty good job!