Wednesday, April 30, 2008

New Electronic Reference Books Added

Through our relationship with the College of Staten Island, AUR has access to many electronic resources. Two of the most important of these resources are the Gale Virtual Reference Library and Oxford Reference Online. There are hundreds of reference books in these databases comprising thousands of volumes. The problem is, the only way to know about these wonderful reference sources is to get into the CSI database list and go to either "G" for Gale Virtual Reference Library or "O" for Oxford Reference Online. Of course, no one does this.

The AUR Library added records for these resources to the online catalog some time back, but major additions have taken place, especially in the Gale reference library. To see a list of the new materials cataloged, go to the main page of the AUR Library catalog, look for "Latest Additions to the Catalog" and click on Electronic Resources. You will see that we added almost 700 reference sources that comprise a total of over 1500 volumes. (There are other resources as well) You can also see complete lists of all of the Gale reference library or Oxford reference online by searching them in the Advanced search and searching Gale virtual reference library or Oxford reference online premium.

For the study-abroad students, these materials can be used only in the library, but if you find an interesting title, you can see if you have access to it through your home school. For example, students from Broome Community College can use the AUR study-abroad page to discover that they have access to the Gale Virtual Reference Library through their home school.

All topics are represented. As only one example, here is the record for the 17 volume reference work Women in world history.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New Additions to Selected Journals List

AUR has added some new additions to its online journals. The first is The Globalist, which discusses various aspects of globalization.

The topics it covers are: Children, Companies, Culture, Development, Diplomacy, Economy, Environment, Finance, Health, History, Markets, Media, Music, People, Politics, Religion, Security, Sports, Technology, and Women in various parts of the world.

The second magazine we have added is Eurozine. This is from their webpage: Eurozine is a network of European cultural journals, linking up 70 partner journals and just as many associated magazines and institutions from nearly all European countries. Eurozine is also a netmagazine which publishes outstanding articles from its partner journals with additional translations into one of the major European languages.

This is a very handy magazine that can keep you up with the latest intellectual trends in Europe, with articles by some of its most famous scholars. Many of the articles are in their original languages, but there is always a summary in English available.

How to Find These Magazines

To find these--and other--selected magazines, you can either search the AUR Library catalog or browse our Selected Journals list. As always happens, the links from the Selected Journals list go into the Library catalog, where you can find additional information and links, including a link into the journal if it is available from the College of Staten Island.

Monday, April 07, 2008

The AUR Library Catalog Works with Answer Tips

The AUR Library Catalog now works with Answer Tips from This should make it easier for users to understand some of the terms found in the catalog records.

It is still not perfect, and more information can be found in the AUR Library Information Wiki page. Mainly, it currently does not work with any text that is linked. But it also does fairly well on some items. In this record, you can click on the names of some of the people work.

For example, did you know what prosopography means? Find the word in this record and double click on it. It will even pronounce it for you!