Thursday, September 18, 2008

New Fall Semester 2008

We want to welcome everyone to the AUR Library for the Fall 2008 semester! There is a lot new going on:
  • the room downstairs has been refurnished and turned into a student lounge. It's a lot more comfortable and attractive than it was
  • there are lots more computers in the library now and they are located all over
  • the wireless network has been improved and works inside and outside the library
  • we have a nice widescreen television where you can watch videocassettes and DVDs
  • lots of changes to the catalog, which has improved functions. Remember, you can login to the catalog using your ID number and your student ID card, plus the default password: fall2008. Please change your password when you access your account.
Soon we will be issuing the new AUR Newsletter. In the meantime, you can read the earlier ones.

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