Thursday, October 15, 2009

University of Michigan Press Publications

There are huge changes taking place in the area of scholarly publishing, and perhaps there is no place where this is more evident than at the University of Michigan Press, one of the most important university presses in the country. It was recently placed under the management of the Univeristy of Michigan library and plans to go almost completely digital very soon. (See the story in Inside Higher Ed)

As a part of this change, they have made many of their books available for free over the web, and the AUR Library has cataloged them, which means that you can find them when you search the AUR catalog. So far, there are over 300, but they have said that there will be over 1,000 available over the next few months.

They are on all topics and include many recent publications. Almost all are highly relevant for AUR students. To see the list of the ones the library chose, you can look under HathiTrust Digital Library. But don't forget the other free university press books we have cataloged as well, and you can refer to the earlier blog post, where we discussed it in more detail.

REMEMBER that when you do the Extend Search and choose Electronic Book Projects, one of the choices is HathiTrust. For more information, see the Two-Minute Tutorial.

See also: the complete list of the Unveristy of Michigan Press 
books that are available for free online. 

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